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Something about the relationship between Plucker’s embedding and diff. forms

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I hope everything is OK since I just start trying posting by mail.

The reason of being categorized into A.G. is that the idea is inspired by Plucker embedding in Algebraic geometry. Therefore I’d like to introduce this notion first.

There are several ways to give grassmanian a topology, manifold structure. Plucker embedding is one that in addition treat it as a variety.

G(r,n) denotes all the subspaces with dimension r in a linear space V=k^n. One may embed it into {\bf P}V^{\wedge r} where P means projectivization, i.e. quotient scalars.(who tells me how to insert wedge in tex). Choose a subspace W in G(r,n), choose any basis v_1,...,v_r of W, one may readily verify v_1\wedge v_2...\wedge v_n always refers to the same element when the subspace is fixed. This is the Plucker’s embedding.

When taking scalars into consideration, if V is endowed with a pos. definite quadratic form, one may viewv_1\wedge v_2...\wedge v_n as a “cube” with some sort of “volume”. Therefore diff. forms can be viewed as continuingly varying cubes. Probably this is why we generalize the original concept of “differential” dated back to Newton’s age by introducing the anti-commutative tensors.

Written by lethear

December 25, 2010 at 7:05 am

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On a previous algebra problem

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I asked the previous ring problem on Mathoverflow, titled "Can we deduce that two rings R1 and R2 are isomorphic if their polynomial ring is iso.?". I shall record the two answers here for future convenience (though I’m not able to understand them for now).

In one paper cited by them, the counterexample is given explicitly as below, but I’m not able to prove it.
R_1={\bf C}[x,y,z]/(xy-(1-z^2)), R_2={\bf C}[x,y,z]/(x^2y-(1-z^2)) are said to be the counterexample.

Moreover, It seems there is a common geometric background lying behind. My seniors told me these examples probably involving Algebraic K-Theory. There is still a long way in learning alg. geometry.

Below are answers.


This was recently asked and answered at http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/13504/does-rx-cong-sx-imply-r-cong-s As answered there, it is possible to find two non-isomorphic commutative rings whose polynomial rings in one variable are isomorphic. An example is given in http://www.ams.org/journals/proc/1972-034-01/S0002-9939-1972-0294325-3/home.html


Let X be an affine variety with two non-isomorphic vector bundles V and W that become isomorphic after adding a trivial line bundle to each. Then the coordinate rings of the total spaces of V and W should yield a counterexample. (Though you might have to do some extra work to verify that the total spaces of V and W are non-isomorphic as varieties.)
The counterexample cited by Tobias takes X to be the 2-sphere, V the tangent bundle to X, and W the trivial plane bundle over X.

Steven Landsburg


Written by lethear

December 11, 2010 at 10:34 am

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A topology trick in algebraic geometry

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Probably in strict terms, this cannot be called a trick. But for some people who is strongly inspired by point-set topology, this may evoke their interest in algebraic geometry, for eg. MCZeng.:)

I will put what I said yesterday afternoon in precise term.

DEFINITION: An n-dimensional projective space {\bf P}^n is a quotient space ({\bf C}^n-\{0\})/~ where z_1~z_2 iff there exists a \lambda\in{\bf C}, z_1=\lambda z_2.

REMARK: Points in projective space can be represented by homogeneous coordinates [z_0,...,z_n] where z_i\neq 0, [z_0,...,z_n]=[\lambda z_0,...,\lambda z_n], \lambda\in{\bf C}.

DEFINITION: {\bf C}^n can be endowed with Zariski topology where V\in{\bf C}^n is closed iff there is a set of polynomial f_\alpha\in{\bf C}[x_1,...,x_n] such that V is the common zero locus of f_\alpha (called the defining polynomial)

As an easy excercise, one may check on his own that this satisfies the axioms of a topology. The relatively hard part is the finite union of closed set. One may use the fact that {\bf C}[x_1,...,x_n] is Noetherian, i.e. for any ideal I<{\bf C}[x_1,...,x_n], I is finitely generated.

DEFINITION: {\bf P}^n can be endowed with Zariski topology where V\in{\bf P}^n is closed iff there is a set of homogeneous polynomial with complex coefficient f_\alpha such that V is the common zero locus of f_\alpha (also called the defining polynomial), i.e., [z_0,...,z_n]\in U iff f_\alpha (z_0,...,z_n)=0 for all \alpha

Notice a homogeneous polynomial has such property: f(\lambda x)=\lambda^d f(x), where d is the degree of f. Therefore, it is well-defined.

REMARK: {\bf P}^n can be covered by n+1 open subsets, where U_i=\{[z_0,...,z_n]\in{\bf P}^n | z_i=1\}

THEOREM: U_i is homeomorphic to {\bf C}^n under Zariski topology.

First check U_i is open. The continuous map is easily given by dividing z_k, k\neq i by z_i. Notice that for a closed subset in {\bf P}^n, there is an intimate relationship between defining polynomial f_\alpha(z_0,...,z_n) and f_\alpha(x_0,...,x_n) where x_i=1.

Our aim is to prove this theorem:

THEOREM: V is defined by the zero locus of homogeneous polynomials if and only if V\cap U_i is defined by the zero locus of polynomials when viewing U_i as {\bf C}_n.

Actually this theorem does not involve any topological concept. This is difficult if one tackles directly, since it becomes even confusing when discussing points in U_i\cap U_j. Actually I can’t think of an efficient way to do it elementarily.

Recall a simple theorem in point-set topology:

THEOREM: In a topological space X, X is covered by open sets U_\alpha. V is closed iff V\cap U_\alpha is closed in U_\alpha for all \alpha .

Now, this theorem directly yields our result when Zariski topology is given. This is the power of point-set topology.

Written by lethear

December 9, 2010 at 8:25 am

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A hard problem

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A sophomore asked me, given two rings R_1, R_2, and R_1[x] is isomorphic to R_2[y], could we deduce that R_1 is iso. to R_2 or give a counterexample?
It’s not at all easy! I have no idea for now.
PID, UFD, Noether/Artin, Local, these are invariants too specific to deal with such a general problem. Is there any versatile invariant of rings just like cohomology of topological spaces?

Written by lethear

December 8, 2010 at 7:11 am

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So the number theory is all about tricks and more tricks?

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I was reading Jean-Pierre Serre’s A Course in Arithmetic right now. Thought group theory and Galois theory were not hard for me, but I had had almost no training in number theory. So I guessed it may take time to get familiar with it.

I still think number theory is awful because of the tricks so my study has been no obvious progression. Well, at least I was getting to know how the group theory is applied to specific objects such as {\mathbb F}_p^* . So I was to jot down what I learned today.

Considering Brother Zeng is constantly browsing this blog, I should explain the concepts a bit, although some of them is rather basic or trivial.

DEFINITIONS: For conveniency, we always write {\mathbb F}_p={\mathbb Z}/p{\mathbb Z}, and denote the group F-\{ 0\} with the operation of multiplication as F^*. Given a field F, char(F) equals to the order of its identity under addition, but when the order is infinite, we simply write char(F)=0. For eg., char({\mathbb Q})=0, char({\mathbb F}_p)=p.

PROPOSITIONS: Given a field F, char(F) is either a prime or 0. When char(F)=0, we can always imbed {\mathbb Q} into F. When char(F)=p, we have {\forall}x,y{\in}F, (x+y)^p=x^p+y^p, which indicates that the mapping:f:F{\rightarrow}F, f(x)=x^p is a ring homomorphism. Besides, when F is finite, |F|=p^n for some n because F can be seen as a vector space over the field {\mathbb F}_p.

THEOREM: All |F|=p^n with the same n and p are isomorphic

This thm. is usually proved by the Isomorphism Extension Theorem, but JPS gives us another. Denote the algebraic closure of {\mathbb F}_p as \Omega. By the theory of polynomials over fields, the number of roots in \Omega of above polynomial is at most p^n. Because the elements of the subfield in \Omega with order p^n also satisfies the above polynomial, we get to know that if it exist, the subfield is unique. To construct it, consider the endomorphism:f:F{\rightarrow}F, f(x)=x^{p^n}, and the set K=\{ x|f(x)=x\}. Of course K is a field with p^n elements. Because we can trivially imbed a field with order p^n into \Omega, we get to know it is isomorphic with K.

THEOREM: {\mathbb F}_q^* is cyclic. (when q=p^n, we denote {\mathbb F}_q as the unique field of order q)

After decompositing the abelian group, the conclusion is trivially followed. But JPS gives another proof. Let’s consider the Euler-fai function. {\phi}(x) denotes the number of integers from 1 to x that are coprime with x. We noted {\sum}_{d|n}{\phi}(d)=n.

LEMMA: Given a finite group H of order n. \forall d<n, Suppose the number of elements with order d is at most d. Then H has to be cyclic.

{\forall}h{\in}H, there is no second cyclic group with the same order as (h), and there are {\phi}(|h|) generating elements of (h). Let’s summed up the numbers of generating elem. of different cyclic subgroups. Since every elem. generates a cyclic group, the sum has to be bigger than n. But we know {\sum}_{d|n}{\phi}(d)=n exactly. Since n|n, there has to be an elem. with order n. Thus H is a cyclic group generated by this one.

Now apply the lemma to {\mathbb F}_q^*.

======Above is the basic introduction. Now we came to the nonbasic part======

LEMMA 1: Field F. Denote S(f)={\sum}_{x{\in}F}f(x) where f is a function on F. When u{\geqslant}1 and (q-1)|u, S(x^u)=-1. Otherwise S(x^u)=0.

It’s easy to verify the trivial cases. And note the fact that {\forall}y{\in}F, {\sum}_{x{\in}F}x^u={\sum}_{x{\in}F}y^ux^u.

THEOREM 1(Chevalley-Warning): let f_{\alpha}{\in}F[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]. {\sum}_{\alpha}deg f_{\alpha}<n. The number of the common zeros of f_{\alpha} can be divided by p

Consider P(x)={\prod}_{\alpha}(1-f_{\alpha}^{q-1}), x{\in}F^n. Prove that when x is the common zero, P(x)=0. Otherwise P(x)=1. So the number of common zeros is S(P) where S is the same as the former lemma. Since P is a polynomial, prove that S(x_1^{u_1}...x_n^{u_n})=0. Because {\sum}_{i=1}^nu_i<n(q-1), and the fact of the former lemma, the thm. holds.


REMARK: It’s an important case when n{\geqslant}3 and f_{\alpha} are the quadratic forms. Since the 0 is a common zero, the theorem indicates there are nontrivial zeros.

I didn’t know why JPS remark this. He said a quadratic form is a conic hyper surface(?). I admitted I knew nothing about it.

=======Quadratic reciprocity law======

THEOREM 2: |F|=q. When char(F)=2, every unit is a square. Otherwise, all the square unit in F forms a subgroup of F^*, which is the kernel of the mapping:f:F{\rightarrow}\{ 1,-1\} , f(x)=x^{(q-1)/2}.

Note that the roots of x^2=1 is 1 and -1.

This theorem is an example of how to use the language of group theory to intepret the concepts in number theory, such as the square units. And this kind of translation offers a new way to look into it.(Well, we were just trivially considering the kernel of a mapping from an ABELIAN group to itself…Yes, it’s not exciting enough)

The remaining part of quadratic reciprocity law is not exciting except for another trick:

DEFINITION: p{\neq}2, x{\in}{\mathbb F}_p^*. (x/p)=x^{(p-1)/2}

PROBLEM: Calculate (2/p)

Consider the primitive root \alpha of x^8=1. Let y={\alpha}+{\alpha}^{-1}. Because {\alpha}^4=-1, y^2=2.. 2^{(p-1)/2}=y^{p-1}. Simple calculation implies that if p{\equiv}{\pm}1(mod 8), y^{p-1}=1, otherwise y^{p-1}=-1.


When we looked back we may figure out we had only learned one deep theorem, i.e., Chevalley theorem. The rest of it were translations of trivial facts to the modern language. They were both enlightening.

But why Chivalley or Warning had tried to contruct such a P(x)?…

Written by lethear

February 11, 2010 at 4:02 pm

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What is metric?

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We call d:X \times X \rightarrow R^* satisfying three ptc. properties a metric.
What about d:X \times X \rightarrow Q^*? Or more broadly, what about d:X \times X \rightarrow G where G is a set with G \times G ordered, s.t. \forall x, y, z\in G (x,x)<=(y,z).

I proved that for any metric d, it can be transformed into a Q-valued metric with its topology unchanged. I attach the details below.

For any metric space (X,d), we assume d<=1 without loss of generality. we define a metric \rho : X \times X \rightarrow Q, s.t. \forall x, y\in X, \rho (x,y)=1/2^n where 1/2^{n+1}<d(x,y)<=1/2^n. Obviously, the n is unique. After some annoying verification, we got to know \rho is the metric we were expecting.

This told us the properties of a metric topology has nothing to do with R. Heuristically we noticed that the metric topology is only related with a structure of infinitum in R or Q or some other set. But what is it?

Written by lethear

February 1, 2010 at 5:31 am

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Notes about topological group

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A topological group(I should use top. group in abbr. below) is a group G with a topology satisfying T1 and that the mappings of {\pi}_1: G \times G \rightarrow G and {\pi}_2: G \rightarrow G, s.t. {\pi}_2(a)=a^{-1} are continuous. The latter condition is rather strong for a topological space, but it’s natural, since we need some universal properties for our topological groups. First of all, we have to derive some essential properties.

Thm.1 For a top. group G with an open subset U, \forall a \in G, aU, Ua, and U^{-1} are open.

Thm.2 Any top. group is regular(T1+T3).

Thm.3 For a subgroup H lying in a top. group G, H is also a top. group when given a subspace topology.

Thm.4 For a top. group G with a closed regular subgroup H, we have that G/H is also a top. group.

To decide whether a group is a top. group, we have the following theorem, which resembles a similar theorem in group theory.

Thm.5 For a group G with a topology, G is a top. group iff. f: G \times G \rightarrow G, s.t. f(x,y)=xy^{-1} is continuous.

The proofs are trivial when one is well aware of the latter part of the definition. Important examples:
(GL(n),\cdot ) when given the topology induced by natural norm. To verify it, we may adopt a trick, a transformation in basic calculus (at least I used it).


A notable and relatively nontrivial result of a topological group:

let G be a topological group. If H is a subgroup of G, then \bar H is also a subgroup.

The proof is simple, once realizing the fact that a continuous map maps limit points into the closure of the image.

[to be continued]

A group with Krull topology might be a top. group. I had noticed something subtle in Krull topology when learning Infinite Galois Extensions. Since we had the concept of top. group here, I may have a try to look into it.

Written by lethear

February 1, 2010 at 3:55 am

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